Sunday, January 2, 2011

New Years Day Dash

Combine race day temperatures in the high teens,
add winds gusting up to 48 miles per hour,
factor in the fact that I ran a total of 3.7 miles in December,
and you wind up with the slowest 5 mile race I ever ran.

I initially signed up for the New Years Day Dash as an incentive to actually start running again and get in shape for marathon training, didn't work.  If not for my friend Wade, who was running it with me, I would have just stayed in bed, the wind was that bad.

Despite wearing two pairs of socks, three pairs of pants, five tops, gloves, a hat and a hood; my feet, face, and hands were basically frozen by the 1/2 mile mark.  The race itself is a distant blur, I know I stopped on four separate occasions to walk, all at points shortly after turning into the wind.  Felt like being force fed air while running, not fun.

The wings, beer, and camaraderie were by far the highlight of the run.  But now there is much work to do.  LaCrosse Marathon is May 1.  But perhaps more importantly, the Point Bock Run is coming up in March.  It's a five mile affair as well, and if I hope to beat last years time I'm going to have to shave nearly 12 minutes off yesterdays effort.  Ugg.

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