Swimming has me frustrated. Earlier in the month I was so frustrated with it I was about to go off on a huge rant about my lack in progress with swimming. Then I had the realization that I didn't have any right to rant, or to be frustrated for that matter. I simply haven't done any work that would result in any swim improvement.
So the brainstorming began. The obvious thing, swim more. And I intend to do that. I thought about swim every day for a month, but I just don't see it happening. But for February I'm thinking it is to be a swim heavy month. 19-20 sessions over the course of the month.
2nd. Lessons. I signed up for a swim clinic. It's only one lesson, this Saturday. But it is a start, and will hopefully get me started in the right direction.
Finally, intensity and goals. I'm going to focus at least initially on short hard sets. Not the entire swim, but at least portions of each swim. I can swim a 25, with a good wall push, pulling and kicking hard, and only breathing every 4-6 strokes, in about 20-21 seconds.
First goal, get that down to 19 seconds consistently. From there I'm going to shoot for the following times at longer intervals:
50 - 45 sec (1:30/100)
100 - 1:40
200 - 3:30 (1:45/100)
500 - 9:00 (1:48/100)
Those are pretty ambitious goals for me. But it gives me something to shoot for in the near term. I can't get faster at triathlon distances until I can get faster at the short stuff.
Rob - Read your swimming blog, good ideas. When you were talking about breathing, be consistant and breath every three always. It will keep your stroke balanced and give you the air you need to feel better longer. Glad your doing the clinic it will help. I will try to offer more as the months go by. Sal